Autor: Sofia Calheiros
E se, em vez de darmos feedback começássemos por pedir feedback? Pensando na importância e na magia do feedback, pensando em programas sobre dar feedback, um dos princípios básicos da liderança, fico…
Quem nas organizações está em maior esforço são as pessoas que exercem posições de liderança. Têm de lidar consigo mesmas, como pessoas que são, com languish instalado em si e evoluir no grande desafio…
The Future is here. And it looks different than we imagined. If the conversation about the future of work revolved around how automation and Artificial Intelligence would reshape careers and leave millions…
When March 2020 hit, we braced for impact and prepared for what we believed would be a sprint, a short-term, high-intensity disruption. Sure, our world turned upside-down, but hope lived in the belief…
Quando os desafios que enfrentamos se agigantam, se acumulam, se intensificam e perduram no tempo é o músculo da resiliência que nos pode elevar a novas “alturas” e maneiras de ser e estar. E é precisamente…
How willing is your team to share their mistakes, their feelings, their struggles? How willing are you… as a leader? Do you notice people refraining from sharing certain information out of fear? Are you…
Hoje esteve o dia todo no Teams? Reuniões umas atrás das outras e já nem sabe o que disse a quem? Sentado a trabalhar, com a certeza de que tudo vai ficar bem, mas exausto. Sente que está a passar pela…
How many of us, in the turn of the year anticipated that 2020 was going to be our best year… the year… our year? Very few people expected the amount of disruption, loss, uncertainty, and overwhelm…
I saw her daily walking her two dogs and doing her shopping and I kept wondering how old she was, and if she was still living all by herself. One day one of my neighbors told me about her, the piano teacher…
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Daqui a cinco, dez ou quinze anos vamos olhar para trás e lembrarmo-nos de 2020 como o ano em que aconteceu o impensável. Em que a vida, na forma de um vírus, nos trocou as voltas e, por isso mesmo,…
These past few months have been challenging in many different ways. Our routines were dramatically altered, some people lost their jobs, some people lost a significant portion of their income, others…
Os profissionais de coaching certificados estão totalmente preparados, ready for delivery now em formatos virtuais. O coaching quando nasce, como indústria, nasce logo com a formatação à distância. Poucas,…
Covid-19 dramatically altered our lives, but as we prepare to return to a new normal, what are the shifts that here to stay? What challenges will we face and how do we respond quickly and effectively…
Webinar “Coaching Skills” - 13 de Abril // 16:00 Inscreva-se aqui e participe. Porque o caos dá lugar a uma nova ordem, em plena pandemia, várias empresas deram um salto tecnológico de 10 anos. No…
If someone told us a couple of months ago, that a virus would come and turn our lives upside down, forcing us to stay home, and away from each other we would have probably laughed in their face. But here…
E assim, de repente, ou nem tanto, um vírus com um nome estranho veio e obrigou-nos a mudar as nossas rotinas e formas de fazer as coisas. A vida como a conhecíamos ficou em stand-by, e outra vida pede-nos…
Prefácio do Livro: “Porque andamos tão exaustos?” de Vânia Castanheira O Whatsapp toca. Um rosto jovem no ecrã e uma voz cheia de alegria: “Já está!” Estupefação do meu lado e… “O quê? Já está…
Elon Musk tweeted out at the beginning of this year that Tesla is hiring for the Artificial Intelligence department and that a degree was not mandatory. We're getting more and more used to news like this.…
As the demand for coaching increases and it climbs its way into the mainstream, what changes are on the horizon? How does the Future of Coaching look like? What transformations and tendencies will shape…
What is it that makes leaders act courageously? And what’s the role of courage in leadership? For the many years that we’ve worked with leadership and management teams we’ve seen that in the absence of…
We gathered our team's top insights on the Leadership Summit Portugal 2019 so we could share it with you, here are the main takeaways from the event: 1. The Leadership Summit inspired us all with…
What is the trait we most admire in leaders? What strengths are most commonly associated with leadership? With a website like Glassdoor, where leaders are publicly evaluated and ranked by their collaborators,…
“The timing in which things enter or leave your life is important.” -Reverie Hippie For thirty years I cherished the idea of a coaching service that provided support anytime, anywhere. It was an idea…
Como é que trabalhamos os resultados operacionais nas organizações? Identificar o clima das organizações é um dos passos mais importantes. O clima é responsável até 28% da variância dos resultados…
E para mudar a minha vida só preciso de ter wi-fi, um tablet ou um smartphone … Com uma transformação digital a acontecer a olhos vistos, percebemos que a forma de comunicar, de consumir, de tomar decisões,…
O novo serviço por telefone permite sessões com um coach em situações SOS. Empresas e estudantes são público-alvo. A ideia já mora há 30 anos na cabeça da Sofia Calheiros. A empresária, psicoterapeuta…
Livro - Gestão de Recursos Humanos de A a Z - Capítulo - O Quê? Quando? Como? Quanto? Quem? O Quê? Se olharmos à nossa volta, notamos que as formas mais reconhecidas de Coaching vêm do mundo do desporto,…
Perguntar é uma das técnicas usadas por sofistas, base da dialéctica… da maiêutica Socrática... A maiêutica, através de questões simples, coloca em causa situações, problemas e conceitos com o objectivo…
“A person always doing his or her best, becomes a natural leader, just by example.” - Joe Dimaggio Leadership is one of the most written about topics, it’s also one where myths and misconceptions abound.…
“The end of all knowledge should be service to others.”- Cezar Chavez I think most people can easily recall some examples of individuals and organizations driven to achieve extraordinary results. But…
6 Minute Read “I absolutely believe that people, unless coached can never reach their maximum capabilities.” - Bob Nardelli, CEO Home Depot In the last couple of years, articles and stories portraying…
9 Minute Read “All it takes is a commitment to ask questions, to explore new possibilities, to embark on a journey of discovery.” - Ian Sanders A research project starts with a question. Some of the…
7 Minute Read Tony Robbins has a famous quote that says: “The quality of your life is directly related to the quality of your questions.” The takeaway message? Better questions lead to a better life.…
7 Minute Read “I think at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.” - Eleanor Roosevelt Our daily lives are…
Acredita que a digitalização vai alterar o mundo em que vivemos? Acredita que hoje conta muti ter skills digitais ou a tal liderança digital? Acredita que os processos vão funcionar com intervenção humana…
4 Minute Read "Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest…
3 Minutos de Leitura Ao longo dos anos tenho convivido com coaches a quem chamo Coach, com C maiúsculo, e com outros que denomino de não-coach, not-a-coach. Este convívio tem sido feito de forma direta…
HUMAN RESOURCES SENIOR CONSULTANT We need to keep spreading the magic so we're looking for someone that in their day-to-day: * Will be able to connect with our customers and take their business…
9 Minute Read "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." - Henry Ford Success is as appealing as failure is repulsive. As humans, we’re hard-wired to move towards…
Tradicionalmente com uma conotação fortemente negativa, influenciar foi e é entendido enquanto manipulação, algo associado a jogos de poder e feito nos bastidores, de forma pouco clara e sempre em proveito…
7 Minute Read "The best way to teach a child is to learn from her." When we were a child we asked for what we wanted and needed, we freely expressed emotions like joy, awe, excitement, frustration,…
6 Minute Read "Sometimes the end of our struggles is an and between two words." I have a question for you...How often do you find yourself thinking: I can either do what I love or have a successful…
8 Minute Read "By a great person, however, we mean a person who because of the spiritual gifts, character and other qualities, deserves to be called great, and who has a result has the power to influence…
8 Minute Read "Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another." - George Elliot Pause for a moment. Do you recall someone in your life that made a huge impact on you and the way…
9 Minute Read “Accountability is not only what we do, but also what we do not do for which we are accountable.” - Moliere Imagine this. You just landed your dream job. You’re doing what you love in…
5 Minute Read “And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” - Abraham Lincoln Fear of failure is one those common experiences most people can relate to.…
11 Minute Read “The other thing exceptional people seem to have is a special talent for converting life’s setbacks into future successes.” - Carol Dweck I have more than 20 years of experience working…
Uma solução ‘blended’ de efeito "rapid" e "retard" É com muito gosto, na onda da sociedade da partilha do conhecimento, que descrevemos, com o detalhe que pouco mais de três mil caracteres permitem, o…
5 Minutos de Leitura I look around and realize that I've never seen so many people available to contribute to a better world. I look around and see these people in the "backstage", supporting the rise…
3 Minutos de Leitura E, como que em jeito de desculpa, do que assumimos que vai ser assim: MixLanguages por aqui. Ando um bocadinho irritada de aceitar que, por aqui, umas vezes escrevemos em português…
8 Minutos de Leitura The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong.” - Swami Vivekananda I like to observe people. When I’m walking around I wonder what other people are…
11 Minutos de Leitura “ I don’t measure a man’s success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.” - George Patton I was talking to a resilience trainer a few days ago and…
6 Minutos de Leitura “Meditation is essentially training our attention so that we can be more aware, not only of our inner workings but also of what’s happening around us in the here and now.” -…
8 Minutos de Leitura “Thoughts and emotions contain information, not direction.” - Susan David Do you remember the narrative that emotions have no place in the office? That leaders and workers…
12 Minutos de Leitura "Growth is painful, change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong." - Mandy Hale The end of a relationship, a job that no longer…
7 Minutos de Leitura “A leader is someone who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way.” - John C. Maxwell Executive Presence is for the executive world what the x-factor is for the entertainment…
6 Minutos de Leitura “The art of communication is the language of leadership.” - James Humes You know your domain of expertise like no one else. But when you talk what kind of message do you convey?…
3 Minutos de Leitura Do you walk into the meeting room exuding confidence and poise? Do people listen when you talk? Are you perceived as someone credible, trustworthy and in charge? If so, congratulations,…
6 Minute Read "We are, at almost every point of our day, immersed in cultural diversity: faces, clothes, smells, attitudes, values, traditions, behaviors, beliefs, rituals." - Randa Abdel-Fattah …
4 Minute Read David is the Head of International Sales in a company that builds bridges all over the world. He frequently travels to Latin America, Europe, and Asia. He claims that his ability to close…
7 Minute Read "CQ is critical for navigating today’s increasingly global and diverse business environment…the good news is it’s entirely learned. It’s so important that we made it one of our core behaviors…
8 Minute Read “No man or woman attains a top job, lands an extraordinary deal, or develops a significant following without this heady combination of confidence, poise, and authenticity that convinces…
12 fev 2017 /
Sofia Calheiros
Se pensarmos em fases de transição ao longo da nossa vida, a primeira imagem que nos vem à memória, é provavelmente da adolescência. Na fase de transição entre a infância e a vida adulta temos que lidar…
08 mai 2016 /
Sofia Calheiros
Recrutamento & Seleção Olá, Estamos em plena fase de R&S. Precisamos de ajuda, mas não é de uma ajuda qualquer. Olhámos para nós para perceber o que mais precisamos/valorizamos aqui nesta nossa empresa.…
07 mai 2016 /
Sofia Calheiros
#BeGentleToEachOther foi uma das mensagens percebida como mais impactante, do ponto de vista emocional, por um grupo de cerca de 40 mulheres com quem estou a trabalhar, num programa que decorre em várias…
13 abr 2016 /
Sofia Calheiros
Num arco-íris de diversidade de novos projectos, e na senda da transformação cultural, desfrutando do flow de convites inesperados, cruzo o meu pensar com o meu sentir, numa coreografia cheia de pessoas. Inspiro…
01 mar 2016 /
Sofia Calheiros
"As superpowers go, they may not be as exciting as Superman’s ability to defy gravity. But if the world can put more of both into the hands of the poorest, we believe it will allow millions of dreams…
2 Minutos de Leitura Sempre foi assim e assim será! Tenho percebido, olhando para trás, que em todos os momentos da vida da humanidade cada geração tem estado sempre preparada para resolver os temas…
2 Minutos de Leitura …que quero seguir em modo Na realidade do meu dia-a-dia e no mundo executivo, acredito e confio sempre no lado bom das pessoas, mesmo quando estas são desajeitadas. Eu sou-o tantas…
2 Minutos de Leitura A certeza de que a Economia só pode crescer se as mulheres “crescerem”. Desde sempre percebi que estaria no grupo das mulheres que poderiam contribuir para uma reviravolta no mundo.…
2 Minutos de Leitura Talent & Leadership numa coreografia de ideias e emoções O que poderemos esperar deste blog? A difusão rápida de ideias, metodologias, programas e reflexões relacionadas com Talentos…
2 Minutos de Leitura Escolho deixar o meu iPhone em casa. Lembro-me do dia em que decidi que nunca iria ter um telemóvel. Durou anos esta minha, dita, excentricidade. Um dia percebo que ninguém acreditava…