How many of us, in the turn of the year anticipated that 2020 was going to be our best year… the year… our year? Very few people expected the amount of disruption, loss, uncertainty, and overwhelm…
I saw her daily walking her two dogs and doing her shopping and I kept wondering how old she was, and if she was still living all by herself. One day one of my neighbors told me about her, the piano teacher…
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Daqui a cinco, dez ou quinze anos vamos olhar para trás e lembrarmo-nos de 2020 como o ano em que aconteceu o impensável. Em que a vida, na forma de um vírus, nos trocou as voltas e, por isso mesmo,…
These past few months have been challenging in many different ways. Our routines were dramatically altered, some people lost their jobs, some people lost a significant portion of their income, others…